Creating, accessing and upgrading a logs storage

Creating a logs storage

Creating a logs storage is exactly the same procedure as creating a push storage (storage for push CDN services). Please refer to Creating a CDN storage for more details or visit the Reports/Logs/Logs Storages page and create your logs storage.

Accessing a logs storage

Accessing a logs storage is almost the same procedure as accessing a push storage (storage for push CDN services). The only difference is that logs storages have a logs directory and don't have a public directory. Please refer to Accessing a storage for more details.

Upgrading a logs storage

Upgrading a logs storage is exactly the same procedure as upgrading a push storage (storage for push CDN services). Please refer to Upgrading a storage for more details or visit the Billing/Add-Ons page and upgrade or renew your server quota.

What next?

Read about raw access logs.

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